In addition to its own functionality, MixedModels.jl also implements extensive support for the StatsAPI.StatisticalModel
and StatsAPI.RegressionModel
MixedModels.BlockDescription Type
Description of blocks of A
and L
in a LinearMixedModel
: Vector{String} of block namesblkrows
: Vector{Int} of the number of rows in each blockALtypes
: Matrix{String} of datatypes for blocks inA
When a block in L
is the same type as the corresponding block in A
, it is described with a single name, such as Dense
. When the types differ the entry in ALtypes
is of the form Diag/Dense
, as determined by a shorttype
MixedModels.BlockedSparse Type
A SparseMatrixCSC
whose nonzeros form blocks of rows or columns or both.
:SparseMatrixCSC{Tv, Int32}
representation for general calculationsnzasmat
: nonzeros ofcscmat
as a dense matrixcolblkptr
: pattern of blocks of columns
The only time these are created are as products of ReMat
MixedModels.FeMat Type
A matrix and a (possibly) weighted copy of itself.
Typically, an FeMat
represents the fixed-effects model matrix with the response (y
) concatenated as a final column.
is not the same as FeTerm
: original matrix, calledxy
b/c in practice this ishcat(fullrank(X), y)
: (possibly) weighted copy ofxy
(shares storage withxy
until weights are applied)
Upon construction the xy
and wtxy
fields refer to the same matrix
MixedModels.FeTerm Type
Term with an explicit, constant matrix representation
Typically, an FeTerm
represents the model matrix for the fixed effects.
is not the same as FeMat
: full model matrixpiv
: pivotVector{Int}
for moving linearly dependent columns to the rightrank
: computational rank ofx
: vector of column names
MixedModels.FeTerm Method
FeTerm(X::SparseMatrixCSC, cnms)
Convenience constructor for a sparse FeTerm
assuming full rank, identity pivot and unit weights.
Note: automatic rank deficiency handling may be added to this method in the future, as discussed in the vignette "Rank deficiency in mixed-effects models" for general FeTerm
MixedModels.FeTerm Method
FeTerm(X::AbstractMatrix, cnms)
Convenience constructor for FeTerm
that computes the rank and pivot with unit weights.
See the vignette "Rank deficiency in mixed-effects models" for more information on the computation of the rank and pivot.
sourceMixedModels.GaussHermiteNormalized Type
A struct with 2 SVector{K,Float64} members
: abscissae for the K-point Gauss-Hermite quadrature rule on the Z scalewt
: Gauss-Hermite weights normalized to sum to unity
MixedModels.GeneralizedLinearMixedModel Type
Generalized linear mixed-effects model representation
: aLinearMixedModel
- the local approximation to the GLMM.β
: the pivoted and possibly truncated fixed-effects vectorβ₀
: similar toβ
. Used in the PIRLS algorithm if step-halving is needed.θ
: covariance parameter vectorb
: similar tou
, equivalent tobroadcast!(*, b, LMM.Λ, u)
: a vector of matrices of random effectsu₀
: similar tou
. Used in the PIRLS algorithm if step-halving is needed.resp
: aGlmResp
: the linear predictorwt
: vector of prior case weights, a value ofT[]
indicates equal weights.
The following fields are used in adaptive Gauss-Hermite quadrature, which applies only to models with a single random-effects term, in which case their lengths are the number of levels in the grouping factor for that term. Otherwise they are zero-length vectors.
: vector of deviance componentsdevc0
: vector of deviance components at offset of zerosd
: approximate standard deviation of the conditional densitymult
: multiplier
In addition to the fieldnames, the following names are also accessible through the .
: synonym forθ
: synonym forβ
: common scale parameter (value isNaN
for distributions without a scale parameter)lowerbd
: vector of lower bounds on the combined elements ofβ
, andoptsum
: fields of theLMM
: fixed-effects model matrixy
: response vector
MixedModels.Grouping Type
struct Grouping <: StatsModels.AbstractContrasts end
A placeholder type to indicate that a categorical variable is only used for grouping and not for contrasts. When creating a CategoricalTerm
, this skips constructing the contrasts matrix which makes it robust to large numbers of levels, while still holding onto the vector of levels and constructing the level-to-index mapping (invindex
field of the ContrastsMatrix
Note that calling modelcols
on a CategoricalTerm{Grouping}
is an error.
julia> schema((; grp = string.(1:100_000)))
# out-of-memory error
julia> schema((; grp = string.(1:100_000)), Dict(:grp => Grouping()))
MixedModels.LikelihoodRatioTest Type
Results of MixedModels.likelihoodratiotest
: Vector of model formulaemodels
: NamedTuple of thedof
of the modelstests
: NamedTuple of the sequentialdofdiff
, and resultingpvalues
: note that this is actually -2 log likelihood for linear models (i.e. without subtracting the constant for a saturated model)pvalues
MixedModels.LinearMixedModel Type
LinearMixedModel(y, Xs, form, wts=[], σ=nothing, amalgamate=true)
Private constructor for a LinearMixedModel.
To construct a model, you only need the response (y
), already assembled model matrices (Xs
), schematized formula (form
) and weights (wts
). Everything else in the structure can be derived from these quantities.
This method is internal and experimental and so may change or disappear in a future release without being considered a breaking change.
MixedModels.LinearMixedModel Type
Linear mixed-effects model representation
: the formula for the modelreterms
: aVector{AbstractReMat{T}}
of random-effects terms.Xymat
: horizontal concatenation of a full-rank fixed-effects model matrixX
and responsey
as anFeMat{T}
: the fixed-effects model matrix as anFeTerm{T}
: vector of square roots of the case weights. Can be empty.parmap
: Vector{NTuple{3,Int}} of (block, row, column) mapping of θ to λdims
: NamedTuple{(:n, :p, :nretrms),NTuple{3,Int}} of dimensions.p
is the rank ofX
, which may be smaller thansize(X, 2)
: aVector{AbstractMatrix}
containing the row-major packed lower triangle ofhcat(Z,X,y)'hcat(Z,X,y)
: the blocked lower Cholesky factor ofΛ'AΛ+I
in the same Vector representation asA
: anOptSummary
: the covariance parameter vector used to form λβ
: the fixed-effects coefficient vectorλ
: a vector of lower triangular matrices repeated on the diagonal blocks ofΛ
: current value of the standard deviation of the per-observation noiseb
: random effects on the original scale, as a vector of matricesu
: random effects on the orthogonal scale, as a vector of matriceslowerbd
: lower bounds on the elements of θX
: the fixed-effects model matrixy
: the response vector
MixedModels.LinearMixedModel Method
LinearMixedModel(y, feterm, reterms, form, wts=[], σ=nothing; amalgamate=true)
Private constructor for a LinearMixedModel
given already assembled fixed and random effects.
To construct a model, you only need a vector of FeMat
s (the fixed-effects model matrix and response), a vector of AbstractReMat
(the random-effects model matrices), the formula and the weights. Everything else in the structure can be derived from these quantities.
This method is internal and experimental and so may change or disappear in a future release without being considered a breaking change.
MixedModels.MixedModel Type
Abstract type for mixed models. MixedModels.jl implements two subtypes: LinearMixedModel
and GeneralizedLinearMixedModel
. See the documentation for each for more details.
This type is primarily used for dispatch in fit
. Without a distribution and link function specified, a LinearMixedModel
will be fit. When a distribution/link function is provided, a GeneralizedLinearModel
is fit, unless that distribution is Normal
and the link is IdentityLink
, in which case the resulting GLMM would be equivalent to a LinearMixedModel
anyway and so the simpler, equivalent LinearMixedModel
will be fit instead.
MixedModels.MixedModelBootstrap Type
MixedModelBootstrap{T<:AbstractFloat} <: MixedModelFitCollection{T}
Object returned by parametericbootstrap
with fields
: the parameter estimates from the bootstrap replicates as a vector of named tuples.λ
containing copies of the λ field fromReMat
model termsinds
containing copies of theinds
field fromReMat
model termslowerbd
containing the vector of lower bounds (corresponds to the identically named field ofOptSummary
: NamedTuple whose keys are the grouping factor names and whose values are the column names
The schema of fits
is, by default,
:objective T
:σ T
:β NamedTuple{β_names}{NTuple{p,T}}
:se StaticArrays.SArray{Tuple{p},T,1,p}
:θ StaticArrays.SArray{Tuple{k},T,1,k}
where the sizes, p
and k
, of the β
and θ
elements are determined by the model.
Characteristics of the bootstrap replicates can be extracted as properties. The σs
and σρs
properties unravel the σ
and θ
estimates into estimates of the standard deviations and correlations of the random-effects terms.
MixedModels.MixedModelFitCollection Type
Abstract supertype for MixedModelBootstrap
and related functionality in other packages.
MixedModels.MixedModelProfile Type
Type representing a likelihood profile of a LinearMixedModel
, including associated interpolation splines.
The function profile
is used for computing profiles, while confint
provides a useful method for constructing confidence intervals from a MixedModelProfile
The exact fields and their representation are considered implementation details and are not part of the public API.
MixedModels.OptSummary Type
Summary of an optimization
Tolerances, initial and final values
: a copy of the initial parameter values in the optimizationfinitial
: the initial value of the objectivelowerbd
: lower bounds on the parameter valuesfinal
: a copy of the final parameter values from the optimizationfmin
: the final value of the objectivefeval
: the number of function evaluations Available backends can be examined viaOPTIMIZATION_BACKENDS
: the return value, as aSymbol
. The available return values will differ between backends.xtol_zero_abs
: the tolerance for a near zero parameter to be considered practically zeroftol_zero_abs
: the tolerance for change in the objective for setting a near zero parameter to zeromaxfeval
: as in NLopt (maxeval
) and PRIMA (maxfun
Choice of optimizer and backend
: the name of the optimizer used, as aSymbol
: the optimization library providing the optimizer, default isNLoptBackend
Backend-specific fields
: as in NLopt, not used in PRIMAftol_abs
: as in NLopt, not used in PRIMAxtol_rel
: as in NLopt, not used in PRIMAxtol_abs
: as in NLopt, not used in PRIMAinitial_step
: as in NLopt, not used in PRIMAmaxtime
: as in NLopt, not used in PRIMArhobeg
: as in PRIMA, not used in NLoptrhoend
: as in PRIMA, not used in NLopt
MixedModels-specific fields, unrelated to the optimizer
: A vector of tuples of parameter and objectives values from steps in the optimizationnAGQ
: number of adaptive Gauss-Hermite quadrature points in deviance evaluation for GLMMsREML
: use the REML criterion for LMM fitssigma
: a priori value for the residual standard deviation for LMM
The internal storage of the parameter values within fitlog
may change in the future to use a different subtype of AbstractVector
(e.g., StaticArrays.SVector
) for each snapshot without being considered a breaking change.
The exact order and number of fields may change as support for additional backends and features thereof are added. In other words: use the keyword constructor and do not use the positional constructor.
MixedModels.PCA Type
Principal Components Analysis
covariance or correlation matrixsv
singular value decompositionrnames
rownames of the original matrixcorr
is this a correlation matrix?
MixedModels.RaggedArray Type
A "ragged" array structure consisting of values and indices
: aVector{T}
containing the valuesinds
: aVector{I}
containing the indices
For this application a RaggedArray
is used only in its sum!
MixedModels.ReMat Type
ReMat{T,S} <: AbstractMatrix{T}
A section of a model matrix generated by a random-effects term.
: the grouping factor as aStatsModels.CategoricalTerm
: indices into the levels of the grouping factor as aVector{Int32}
: the levels of the grouping factorcnames
: the names of the columns of the model matrix generated by the left-hand side of the termz
: transpose of the model matrix generated by the left-hand side of the termwtz
: a weighted copy ofz
are the same object for unweighted cases)λ
: aLowerTriangular
matrix of sizeS×S
: aVector{Int}
of linear indices of the potential nonzeros inλ
: the adjoint of the matrix as aSparseMatrixCSC{T}
: aMatrix{T}
MixedModels.TableColumns Type
A structure containing the column names for the numeric part of the profile table.
The struct also contains a Dict giving the column ranges for Symbols like :σ
and :β
. Finally it contains a scratch vector used to accumulate to values in a row of the profile table.
This is an internal structure used in MixedModelProfile
. As such, it may change or disappear in a future release without being considered breaking.
MixedModels.UniformBlockDiagonal Type
Homogeneous block diagonal matrices. k
diagonal blocks each of size m×m
MixedModels.VarCorr Type
Information from the fitted random-effects variance-covariance matrices.
: aNamedTuple
s as returned fromσρs
: the estimate of the per-observation dispersion parameter
The main purpose of defining this type is to isolate the logic in the show method.
sourceExported Functions
LinearAlgebra.cond Method
Return a vector of condition numbers of the λ matrices for the random-effects terms
sourceLinearAlgebra.logdet Method
Return the value of log(det(Λ'Z'ZΛ + I)) + m.optsum.REML * log(det(LX*LX'))
evaluated in place.
Here LX is the diagonal term corresponding to the fixed-effects in the blocked lower Cholesky factor.
sourceMixedModels.GHnorm Method
Return the (unique) GaussHermiteNormalized{k} object.
The function values are stored (memoized) when first evaluated. Subsequent evaluations for the same k
have very low overhead.
MixedModels.coefpvalues Method
Return a rowtable with columns (:iter, :coefname, :β, :se, :z, :p)
MixedModels.condVar Method
Return the conditional variances matrices of the random effects.
The random effects are returned by ranef
as a vector of length k
, where k
is the number of random effects terms. The i
th element is a matrix of size vᵢ × ℓᵢ
where vᵢ
is the size of the vector-valued random effects for each of the ℓᵢ
levels of the grouping factor. Technically those values are the modes of the conditional distribution of the random effects given the observed data.
This function returns an array of k
three dimensional arrays, where the i
th array is of size vᵢ × vᵢ × ℓᵢ
. These are the diagonal blocks from the conditional variance-covariance matrix,
s² Λ(Λ'Z'ZΛ + I)⁻¹Λ'
MixedModels.condVartables Method
Return the conditional covariance matrices of the random effects as a NamedTuple
of columntables
MixedModels.fitted! Method
fitted!(v::AbstractArray{T}, m::LinearMixedModel{T})
Overwrite v
with the fitted values from m
See also fitted
MixedModels.fixef Method
Return the fixed-effects parameter vector estimate of m
In the rank-deficient case the truncated parameter vector, of length rank(m)
is returned. This is unlike coef
which always returns a vector whose length matches the number of columns in X
MixedModels.fixefnames Method
Return a (permuted and truncated in the rank-deficient case) vector of coefficient names.
sourceMixedModels.fnames Method
Return the names of the grouping factors for the random-effects terms.
sourceMixedModels.fulldummy Method
Assign "contrasts" that include all indicator columns (dummy variables) and an intercept column.
This will result in an under-determined set of contrasts, which is not a problem in the random effects because of the regularization, or "shrinkage", of the conditional modes.
The interaction of fulldummy
with complex random effects is subtle and complex with numerous potential edge cases. As we discover these edge cases, we will document and determine their behavior. Until such time, please check the model summary to verify that the expansion is working as you expected. If it is not, please report a use case on GitHub.
MixedModels.issingular Function
issingular(m::MixedModel, θ=m.θ; atol::Real=0, rtol::Real=atol>0 ? 0 : √eps)
Test whether the model m
is singular if the parameter vector is θ
Equality comparisons are used b/c small non-negative θ values are replaced by 0 in fit!
For GeneralizedLinearMixedModel
, the entire parameter vector (including β in the case fast=false
) must be specified if the default is not used.
MixedModels.issingular Method
atol::Real=0, rtol::Real=atol>0 ? 0 : √eps))
Test each bootstrap sample for singularity of the corresponding fit.
Equality comparisons are used b/c small non-negative θ values are replaced by 0 in fit!
See also issingular(::MixedModel)
MixedModels.lowerbd Method
Return the vector of lower bounds on the parameters, θ
associated with A
These are the elements in the lower triangle of A.λ
in column-major ordering. Diagonals have a lower bound of 0
. Off-diagonals have a lower-bound of -Inf
MixedModels.objective! Function
objective!(m::MixedModel, θ)
Equivalent to objective(updateL!(setθ!(m, θ)))
When m
has a single, scalar random-effects term, θ
can be a scalar.
The one-argument method curries and returns a single-argument function of θ
Note that these methods modify m
. The calling function is responsible for restoring the optimal θ
MixedModels.objective Method
Return negative twice the log-likelihood of model m
MixedModels.parametricbootstrap Method
parametricbootstrap([rng::AbstractRNG], nsamp::Integer, m::MixedModel{T}, ftype=T;
β = fixef(m), σ = m.σ, θ = m.θ, progress=true, optsum_overrides=(;))
Perform nsamp
parametric bootstrap replication fits of m
, returning a MixedModelBootstrap
The default random number generator is Random.GLOBAL_RNG
can be used to store the computed bootstrap values in a lower precision. ftype
is not a named argument because named arguments are not used in method dispatch and thus specialization. In other words, having ftype
as a positional argument has some potential performance benefits.
Keyword Arguments
, andθ
are the values ofm
's parameters for simulating the responses.σ
is only valid forLinearMixedModel
families with a dispersion parameter.
controls whether the progress bar is shown. Note that the progress
bar is automatically disabled for non-interactive (i.e. logging) contexts.
is used to override values of OptSummary in the models
fit during the bootstrapping process. For example, optsum_overrides=(;ftol_rel=1e-08)
reduces the convergence criterion, which can greatly speed up the bootstrap fits. Taking advantage of this speed up to increase n
can often lead to better estimates of coverage intervals.
All coefficients are bootstrapped. In the rank deficient case, the inestimatable coefficients are treated as -0.0 in the simulations underlying the bootstrap, which will generally result in their estimate from the simulated data also being being inestimable and thus set to -0.0. However this behavior may change in future releases to explicitly drop the extraneous columns before simulation and thus not include their estimates in the bootstrap result.
MixedModels.pirls! Method
Use Penalized Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares (PIRLS) to determine the conditional modes of the random effects.
When varyβ
is true both u
and β
are optimized with PIRLS. Otherwise only u
is optimized and β
is held fixed.
Passing verbose = true
provides verbose output of the iterations.
MixedModels.profile Method
profile(m::LinearMixedModel; threshold = 4)
Return a MixedModelProfile
for the objective of m
with respect to the fixed-effects coefficients.
is refit!
if !isfitted(m)
Profiling starts at the parameter estimate and continues until reaching a parameter bound or the absolute value of ζ exceeds threshold
MixedModels.profilevc Method
profilevc(m::LinearMixedModel{T}, val::T, rowj::AbstractVector{T}) where {T}
Profile an element of the variance components.
This method is called by profile
and currently considered internal. As such, it may change or disappear in a future release without being considered breaking.
MixedModels.profileσ Method
profileσ(m::LinearMixedModel, tc::TableColumns; threshold=4)
Return a Table of the profile of σ
for model m
. The profile extends to where the magnitude of ζ exceeds threshold
This method is called by profile
and currently considered internal. As such, it may change or disappear in a future release without being considered breaking.
MixedModels.pwrss Method
The penalized, weighted residual sum-of-squares.
sourceMixedModels.ranef Method
ranef(m::LinearMixedModel; uscale=false)
Return, as a Vector{Matrix{T}}
, the conditional modes of the random effects in model m
If uscale
is true
the random effects are on the spherical (i.e. u
) scale, otherwise on the original scale.
For a named variant, see raneftables
MixedModels.raneftables Method
raneftables(m::MixedModel; uscale = false)
Return the conditional means of the random effects as a NamedTuple
of Tables.jl-compliant tables.
The API guarantee is only that the NamedTuple contains Tables.jl tables and not on the particular concrete type of each table.
MixedModels.refit! Method
refit!(m::GeneralizedLinearMixedModel[, y::Vector];
fast::Bool = (length(m.θ) == length(m.optsum.final)),
nAGQ::Integer = m.optsum.nAGQ,
Refit the model m
after installing response y
If y
is omitted the current response vector is used.
If not specified, the fast
and nAGQ
options from the previous fit are used. kwargs
are the same as fit!
MixedModels.refit! Method
refit!(m::LinearMixedModel[, y::Vector]; REML=m.optsum.REML, kwargs...)
Refit the model m
after installing response y
If y
is omitted the current response vector is used. kwargs
are the same as fit!
MixedModels.replicate Method
replicate(f::Function, n::Integer; progress=true)
Return a vector of the values of n
calls to f()
- used in simulations where the value of f
is stochastic.
controls whether the progress bar is shown. Note that the progress bar is automatically disabled for non-interactive (i.e. logging) contexts.
MixedModels.restoreoptsum! Method
restoreoptsum!(m::MixedModel, io::IO; atol::Real=0, rtol::Real=atol>0 ? 0 : √eps)
restoreoptsum!(m::MixedModel, filename; atol::Real=0, rtol::Real=atol>0 ? 0 : √eps)
Read, check, and restore the optsum
field from a JSON stream or filename.
MixedModels.restorereplicates Method
restorereplicates(f, m::MixedModel{T})
restorereplicates(f, m::MixedModel{T}, ftype::Type{<:AbstractFloat})
restorereplicates(f, m::MixedModel{T}, ctype::Type{<:MixedModelFitCollection{S}})
Restore replicates from f
, using m
to create the desired subtype of MixedModelFitCollection
can be any entity supported by Arrow.Table
. m
does not have to be fitted, but it must have been constructed with the same structure as the source of the saved replicates.
The two-argument method constructs a MixedModelBootstrap
with the same eltype as m
. If an eltype is specified as the third argument, then a MixedModelBootstrap
is returned. If a subtype of MixedModelFitCollection
is specified as the third argument, then that is the return type.
See also savereplicates
, restoreoptsum!
MixedModels.saveoptsum Method
saveoptsum(io::IO, m::MixedModel)
saveoptsum(filename, m::MixedModel)
Save m.optsum
(w/o the lowerbd
field) in JSON format to an IO stream or a file
The reason for omitting the lowerbd
field is because it often contains -Inf
values that are not allowed in JSON.
MixedModels.savereplicates Method
savereplicates(f, b::MixedModelFitCollection)
Save the replicates associated with a MixedModelFitCollection
, e.g. MixedModelBootstrap
as an Arrow file.
See also restorereplicates
, saveoptsum
Only the replicates are saved, not the entire contents of the MixedModelFitCollection
. restorereplicates
requires a model compatible with the bootstrap to restore the full object.
MixedModels.sdest Method
Return the estimate of σ, the standard deviation of the per-observation noise.
sourceMixedModels.sdest Method
Return the estimate of the dispersion, i.e. the standard deviation of the per-observation noise.
For models with a dispersion parameter ϕ, this is simply ϕ. For models without a dispersion parameter, this value is missing
. This differs from disperion
, which returns 1
for models without a dispersion parameter.
For Gaussian models, this parameter is often called σ.
sourceMixedModels.setθ! Method
setθ!(bsamp::MixedModelFitCollection, θ::AbstractVector)
setθ!(bsamp::MixedModelFitCollection, i::Integer)
Install the values of the i'th θ value of bsamp.fits
in bsamp.λ
MixedModels.shortestcovint Function
shortestcovint(v, level = 0.95)
Return the shortest interval containing level
proportion of the values of v
MixedModels.shortestcovint Method
shortestcovint(bsamp::MixedModelFitCollection, level = 0.95)
Return the shortest interval containing level
proportion for each parameter from bsamp.allpars
Currently, correlations that are systematically zero are included in the the result. This may change in a future release without being considered a breaking change.
MixedModels.simulate! Method
simulate!([rng::AbstractRNG,] y::AbstractVector, m::MixedModel{T}[, newdata];
β = coef(m), σ = m.σ, θ = T[], wts=m.wts)
simulate([rng::AbstractRNG,] m::MixedModel{T}[, newdata];
β = coef(m), σ = m.σ, θ = T[], wts=m.wts)
Simulate a new response vector, optionally overwriting a pre-allocated vector.
New data can be optionally provided in tabular format.
This simulation includes sampling new values for the random effects. Thus in contrast to predict
, there is no distinction in between "new" and "old" / previously observed random-effects levels.
Unlike predict
, there is no type
parameter for GeneralizedLinearMixedModel
because the noise term in the model and simulation is always on the response scale.
The wts
argument is currently ignored except for GeneralizedLinearMixedModel
models with a Binomial
Note that simulate!
methods with a y::AbstractVector
as the first argument (besides the RNG) and simulate
methods return the simulated response. This is in contrast to simulate!
methods with a m::MixedModel
as the first argument, which modify the model's response and return the entire modified model.
MixedModels.simulate! Method
simulate!(rng::AbstractRNG, m::MixedModel{T}; β=fixef(m), σ=m.σ, θ=T[])
simulate!(m::MixedModel; β=fixef(m), σ=m.σ, θ=m.θ)
Overwrite the response (i.e. m.trms[end]
) with a simulated response vector from model m
This simulation includes sampling new values for the random effects.
can be specified either as a pivoted, full rank coefficient vector (cf. fixef
) or as an unpivoted full dimension coefficient vector (cf. coef
), where the entries corresponding to redundant columns will be ignored.
Note that simulate!
methods with a y::AbstractVector
as the first argument (besides the RNG) and simulate
methods return the simulated response. This is in contrast to simulate!
methods with a m::MixedModel
as the first argument, which modify the model's response and return the entire modified model.
MixedModels.sparseL Method
sparseL(m::LinearMixedModel; fname::Symbol=first(fnames(m)), full::Bool=false)
Return the lower Cholesky factor L
as a SparseMatrix{T,Int32}
indicates whether the parts of L
associated with the fixed-effects and response are to be included.
specifies the first grouping factor to include. Blocks to the left of the block corresponding to fname
are dropped. The default is the first, i.e., leftmost block and hence all blocks.
MixedModels.stderror! Method
stderror!(v::AbstractVector, m::LinearMixedModel)
Overwrite v
with the standard errors of the fixed-effects coefficients in m
The length of v
should be the total number of coefficients (i.e. length(coef(m))
). When the model matrix is rank-deficient the coefficients forced to -0.0
have an undefined (i.e. NaN
) standard error.
MixedModels.updateL! Method
Update the blocked lower Cholesky factor, m.L
, from m.A
and m.reterms
(used for λ only)
This is the crucial step in evaluating the objective, given a new parameter value.
sourceMixedModels.varest Method
Returns the estimate of σ², the variance of the conditional distribution of Y given B.
sourceMixedModels.varest Method
Returns the estimate of ϕ², the variance of the conditional distribution of Y given B.
For models with a dispersion parameter ϕ, this is simply ϕ². For models without a dispersion parameter, this value is missing
. This differs from disperion
, which returns 1
for models without a dispersion parameter.
For Gaussian models, this parameter is often called σ².
sourceMixedModels.zerocorr Method
Remove correlations between random effects in term
Statistics.std Method
Return the estimated standard deviations of the random effects as a Vector{Vector{T}}
FIXME: This uses an old convention of isfinite(sdest(m)). Probably drop in favor of m.σs
sourceStatsAPI.confint Method
confint(pr::MixedModelProfile; level::Real=0.95)
Compute profile confidence intervals for coefficients and variance components, with confidence level level (by default 95%).
The API guarantee is for a Tables.jl compatible table. The exact return type is an implementation detail and may change in a future minor release without being considered breaking.
The "row names" indicating the associated parameter name are guaranteed to be unambiguous, but their precise naming scheme is not yet stable and may change in a future release without being considered breaking.
StatsAPI.confint Method
confint(pr::MixedModelBootstrap; level::Real=0.95, method=:shortest)
Compute bootstrap confidence intervals for coefficients and variance components, with confidence level level (by default 95%).
The keyword argument method
determines whether the :shortest
, i.e. highest density, interval is used or the :equaltail
, i.e. quantile-based, interval is used. For historical reasons, the default is :shortest
, but :equaltail
gives the interval that is most comparable to the profile and Wald confidence intervals.
The API guarantee is for a Tables.jl compatible table. The exact return type is an implementation detail and may change in a future minor release without being considered breaking.
The "row names" indicating the associated parameter name are guaranteed to be unambiguous, but their precise naming scheme is not yet stable and may change in a future release without being considered breaking.
See also shortestcovint
StatsAPI.confint Method
confint(pr::MixedModelProfile; level::Real=0.95)
Compute profile confidence intervals for (fixed effects) coefficients, with confidence level level
(by default 95%).
The API guarantee is for a Tables.jl compatible table. The exact return type is an implementation detail and may change in a future minor release without being considered breaking.
StatsAPI.deviance Method
deviance(m::GeneralizedLinearMixedModel{T}, nAGQ=1)::T where {T}
Return the deviance of m
evaluated by the Laplace approximation (nAGQ=1
) or nAGQ
-point adaptive Gauss-Hermite quadrature.
If the distribution D
does not have a scale parameter the Laplace approximation is the squared length of the conditional modes,
StatsAPI.dof_residual Method
Return the residual degrees of freedom of the model.
The residual degrees of freedom for mixed-effects models is not clearly defined due to partial pooling. The classical nobs(m) - dof(m)
fails to capture the extra freedom granted by the random effects, but nobs(m) - nranef(m)
would overestimate the freedom granted by the random effects. nobs(m) - sum(leverage(m))
provides a nice balance based on the relative influence of each observation, but is computationally expensive for large models. This problem is also fundamentally related to long-standing debates about the appropriate treatment of the denominator degrees of freedom for
Currently, the residual degrees of freedom is computed as nobs(m) - dof(m)
, but this may change in the future without being considered a breaking change because there is no canonical definition of the residual degrees of freedom in a mixed-effects model.
StatsAPI.fit! Method
fit!(m::GeneralizedLinearMixedModel; fast=false, nAGQ=1,
verbose=false, progress=true,
Optimize the objective function for m
When fast
is true
a potentially much faster but slightly less accurate algorithm, in which pirls!
optimizes both the random effects and the fixed-effects parameters, is used.
If progress
is true
, the default, a ProgressMeter.ProgressUnknown
counter is displayed. during the iterations to minimize the deviance. There is a delay before this display is initialized and it may not be shown at all for models that are optimized quickly.
If verbose
is true
, then both the intermediate results of both the nonlinear optimization and PIRLS are also displayed on standard output.
The thin
argument is ignored: it had no impact on the final model fit and the logic around thinning the fitlog
was needlessly complicated for a trivial performance gain.
By default, the starting values for model fitting are taken from a (non mixed, i.e. marginal ) GLM fit. Experience with larger datasets (many thousands of observations and/or hundreds of levels of the grouping variables) has suggested that fitting a (Gaussian) linear mixed model on the untransformed data may provide better starting values and thus overall faster fits even though an entire LMM must be fit before the GLMM can be fit. init_from_lmm
can be used to specify which starting values from an LMM to use. Valid options are any collection (array, set, etc.) containing one or more of :β
and :θ
, the default is the empty set.
Initializing from an LMM requires fitting the entire LMM first, so when progress=true
, there will be two progress bars: first for the LMM, then for the GLMM.
The init_from_lmm
functionality is experimental and may change or be removed entirely without being considered a breaking change.
StatsAPI.fit! Method
fit!(m::LinearMixedModel; progress::Bool=true, REML::Bool=m.optsum.REML,
σ::Union{Real, Nothing}=m.optsum.sigma,
Optimize the objective of a LinearMixedModel
. When progress
is true
a ProgressMeter.ProgressUnknown
display is shown during the optimization of the objective, if the optimization takes more than one second or so.
The thin
argument is ignored: it had no impact on the final model fit and the logic around thinning the fitlog
was needlessly complicated for a trivial performance gain.
StatsAPI.leverage Method
Return the diagonal of the hat matrix of the model.
For a linear model, the sum of the leverage values is the degrees of freedom for the model in the sense that this sum is the dimension of the span of columns of the model matrix. With a bit of hand waving a similar argument could be made for linear mixed-effects models. The hat matrix is of the form
StatsAPI.modelmatrix Method
Returns the model matrix X
for the fixed-effects parameters, as returned by coef
This is always the full model matrix in the original column order and from a field in the model struct. It should be copied if it is to be modified.
sourceStatsAPI.predict Method
StatsAPI.predict(m::LinearMixedModel, newdata;
StatsAPI.predict(m::GeneralizedLinearMixedModel, newdata;
new_re_levels=:missing, type=:response)
Predict response for new data.
Currently, no in-place methods are provided because these methods internally construct a new model and therefore allocate not just a response vector but also many other matrices.
should contain a column for the response (dependent variable) initialized to some numerical value (not missing
), because this is used to construct the new model used in computing the predictions. missing
is not valid because missing
data are dropped before constructing the model matrices.
These methods construct an entire MixedModel behind the scenes and as such may use a large amount of memory when newdata
is large.
Rank-deficiency can lead to surprising but consistent behavior. For example, if there are two perfectly collinear predictors A
and B
(e.g. constant multiples of each other), then it is possible that A
will be pivoted out in the fitted model and thus the associated coefficient is set to zero. If predictions are then generated on new data where B
has been set to zero but A
has not, then there will no contribution from neither A
nor B
in the resulting predictions.
The keyword argument new_re_levels
specifies how previously unobserved values of the grouping variable are handled. Possible values are:
: return population values for the relevant grouping variable. In other words, treat the associated random effect as 0. If all grouping variables have new levels, then this is equivalent to just the fixed effects.:missing
: returnmissing
: error on this condition. The error type is an implementation detail: you should not rely on a particular type of error being thrown.
If you want simulated values for unobserved levels of the grouping variable, consider the simulate!
and simulate
Predictions based purely on the fixed effects can be obtained by specifying previously unobserved levels of the random effects and setting new_re_levels=:population
. Similarly, the contribution of any grouping variable can be excluded by specifying previously unobserved levels, while including previously observed levels of the other grouping variables. In the future, it may be possible to specify a subset of the grouping variables or overall random-effects structure to use, but not at this time.
impacts only the behavior for previously unobserved random effects levels, i.e. new RE levels. For previously observed random effects levels, predictions take both the fixed and random effects into account.
For GeneralizedLinearMixedModel
, the type
parameter specifies whether the predictions should be returned on the scale of linear predictor (:linpred
) or on the response scale (:response
). If you don't know the difference between these terms, then you probably want type=:response
Regression weights are not yet supported in prediction. Similarly, offsets are also not supported for GeneralizedLinearMixedModel
StatsAPI.response Method
Return the response vector for the model.
For a linear mixed model this is a view
of the last column of the XyMat
field. For a generalized linear mixed model this is the m.resp.y
field. In either case it should be copied if it is to be modified.
StatsAPI.vcov Method
vcov(m::MixedModel; corr=false)
Returns the variance-covariance matrix of the fixed effects. If corr
is true
, the correlation of the fixed effects is returned instead.
Tables.columntable Method
columntable(s::OptSummary, [stack::Bool=false])
Return s.fitlog
as a Tables.columntable
When stack
is false (the default), there will be 3 columns in the result:
: the iteration numberobjective
: the value of the objective at that sampleθ
: the parameter vector at that sample
When stack
is true, there will be 4 columns: iter
, objective
, par
, and value
where value
is the stacked contents of the θ
vectors (the equivalent of vcat(θ...)
) and par
is a vector of parameter numbers.
Methods from StatsAPI.jl
, StatsBase.jl
, StatsModels.jl
and GLM.jl
StatsModels.lrtest # not exported
MixedModels.jl "alternatives" and extensions to StatsAPI and GLM functions
The following are MixedModels.jl-specific functions and not simply methods for functions defined in StatsAPI and GLM.jl.
likelihoodratiotest # not exported
Non-Exported Functions
Note that unless discussed elsewhere in the online documentation, non-exported functions should be considered implementation details.
Base.copy Method
Return a shallow copy of ReMat.
A shallow copy shares as much internal storage as possible with the original ReMat. Only the vector λ
and the scratch
matrix are copied.
Base.size Method
Returns the size of a mixed model as a tuple of length four: the number of observations, the number of (non-singular) fixed-effects parameters, the number of conditional modes (random effects), the number of grouping variables
sourceGLM.wrkresp! Method
GLM.wrkresp!(v::AbstractVector{T}, resp::GLM.GlmResp{AbstractVector{T}})
A copy of a method from GLM that generalizes the types in the signature
sourceMixedModels.LD Method
Return log(det(tril(A)))
evaluated in place.
MixedModels.adjA Method
adjA(refs::AbstractVector, z::AbstractMatrix{T})
Returns the adjoint of an ReMat
as a SparseMatrixCSC{T,Int32}
MixedModels.allpars Method
Return a tidy (column)table with the parameter estimates spread into columns of iter
, type
, group
, name
and value
Currently, correlations that are systematically zero are included in the the result. This may change in a future release without being considered a breaking change.
MixedModels.amalgamate Method
Combine multiple ReMat with the same grouping variable into a single object.
sourceMixedModels.average Method
average(a::T, b::T) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
Return the average of a
and b
MixedModels.block Method
block(i, j)
Return the linear index of the [i,j]
position ("block") in the row-major packed lower triangle.
Use the row-major ordering in this case because the result depends only on i
and j
, not on the overall size of the array.
When i == j
the value is the same as kp1choose2(i)
MixedModels.cholUnblocked! Function
cholUnblocked!(A, Val{:L})
Overwrite the lower triangle of A
with its lower Cholesky factor.
The name is borrowed from [https://github.com/andreasnoack/LinearAlgebra.jl] because these are part of the inner calculations in a blocked Cholesky factorization.
sourceMixedModels.copyscaleinflate! Function
copyscaleinflate!(L::AbstractMatrix, A::AbstractMatrix, Λ::ReMat)
Overwrite L with Λ'AΛ + I
MixedModels.corrmat Method
Return the estimated correlation matrix for A
. The diagonal elements are 1 and the off-diagonal elements are the correlations between those random effect terms
Note that trailing digits may vary slightly depending on the local platform.
julia> using MixedModels
julia> mod = fit(MixedModel,
@formula(rt_trunc ~ 1 + spkr + prec + load + (1 + spkr + prec | subj)),
julia> VarCorr(mod)
Variance components:
Column Variance Std.Dev. Corr.
subj (Intercept) 136591.782 369.583
spkr: old 22922.871 151.403 +0.21
prec: maintain 32348.269 179.856 -0.98 -0.03
Residual 642324.531 801.452
julia> MixedModels.corrmat(mod.reterms[1])
3×3 LinearAlgebra.Symmetric{Float64,Array{Float64,2}}:
1.0 0.214816 -0.982948
0.214816 1.0 -0.0315607
-0.982948 -0.0315607 1.0
MixedModels.cpad Method
cpad(s::AbstractString, n::Integer)
Return a string of length n
containing s
in the center (more-or-less).
MixedModels.densify Function
densify(S::SparseMatrix, threshold=0.1)
Convert sparse S
to Diagonal
if S
is diagonal or to Array(S)
if the proportion of nonzeros exceeds threshold
MixedModels.deviance! Function
deviance!(m::GeneralizedLinearMixedModel, nAGQ=1)
Update m.η
, m.μ
, etc., install the working response and working weights in m.LMM
, update m.LMM.A
and m.LMM.R
, then evaluate the deviance
MixedModels.feL Method
Return the lower Cholesky factor for the fixed-effects parameters, as an LowerTriangular
p × p
MixedModels.fixef! Method
fixef!(v::Vector{T}, m::MixedModel{T})
Overwrite v
with the pivoted fixed-effects coefficients of model m
For full-rank models the length of v
must be the rank of X
. For rank-deficient models the length of v
can be the rank of X
or the number of columns of X
. In the latter case the calculated coefficients are padded with -0.0 out to the number of columns.
MixedModels.fname Method
Return the name of the grouping factor as a Symbol
MixedModels.getθ! Method
getθ!(v::AbstractVector{T}, A::ReMat{T}) where {T}
Overwrite v
with the elements of the blocks in the lower triangle of A.Λ
(column-major ordering)
MixedModels.getθ Method
Return the current covariance parameter vector.
sourceMixedModels.indmat Function
Return a Bool
indicator matrix of the potential non-zeros in A.λ
MixedModels.isconstant Method
Are all elements of the iterator the same? That is, is it constant?
sourceMixedModels.isnested Method
isnested(A::ReMat, B::ReMat)
Is the grouping factor for A
nested in the grouping factor for B
That is, does each value of A
occur with just one value of B?
MixedModels.kchoose2 Method
The binomial coefficient k
choose 2
which is the number of elements in the packed form of the strict lower triangle of a matrix.
MixedModels.kp1choose2 Method
The binomial coefficient k+1
choose 2
which is the number of elements in the packed form of the lower triangle of a matrix.
MixedModels.likelihoodratiotest Method
likelihoodratiotest(m0::LinearModel, m::MixedModel...)
likelihoodratiotest(m0::GeneralizedLinearModel, m::MixedModel...)
likelihoodratiotest(m0::TableRegressionModel{LinearModel}, m::MixedModel...)
likelihoodratiotest(m0::TableRegressionModel{GeneralizedLinearModel}, m::MixedModel...)
Likeihood ratio test applied to a set of nested models.
The nesting of the models is not checked. It is incumbent on the user to check this. This differs from StatsModels.lrtest
as nesting in mixed models, especially in the random effects specification, may be non obvious.
For comparisons between mixed and non-mixed models, the deviance for the non-mixed model is taken to be -2 log likelihood, i.e. omitting the additive constant for the fully saturated model. This is in line with the computation of the deviance for mixed models.
This functionality may be deprecated in the future in favor of StatsModels.lrtest
MixedModels.nranef Method
Return the number of random effects represented by A
. Zero unless A
is an ReMat
MixedModels.nθ Method
Return the number of free parameters in the relative covariance matrix λ
sourceMixedModels.opt_params Function
Return a collection of the fields of OptSummary
used by backend.
, :ftol_zero_abs
do not need to be specified because they are used after optimization and are thus shared across backends.
MixedModels.optimize! Function
optimize!(::LinearMixedModel, ::Val{backend}; kwargs...)
optimize!(::GeneralizedLinearMixedModel, ::Val{backend}; kwargs...)
Perform optimization on a mixed model, minimizing the objective.
set ups the call to the backend optimizer using the options contained in the model's optsum
field. It then calls that optimizer and returns xmin, fmin
. Providing support for a new backend involves defining appropriate optimize!
methods with the second argument of type ::Val{:backend_name}
and adding :backend_name
. Similarly, a method opt_params(::Val{:backend_name})
should be defined, which returns the optimization parameters (e.g. xtol_abs
or rho_end
) used by the backend.
Common keyword arguments are progress
to show a progress meter as well as nAQG
and fast
for GLMMs.
MixedModels.optsumj Method
optsumj(os::OptSummary, j::Integer)
Return an OptSummary
with the j
'th component of the parameter omitted.
with its j'th component omitted is used as the initial parameter.
MixedModels.parsej Method
Return the index from symbol names like :θ1
, :θ01
, etc.
This method is internal.
MixedModels.pivot Method
Return the pivot associated with the FeTerm.
sourceMixedModels.prfit! Function
prfit!(m::LinearMixedModel; kwargs...)
Fit a mixed model using the PRIMA implementation of the BOBYQA optimizer.
Experimental feature
This function is an experimental feature that will go away in the future. Do not rely on it, unless you are willing to pin the precise MixedModels.jl version. The purpose of the function is to provide the MixedModels developers a chance to explore the performance of the PRIMA implementation without the large and potentially breaking changes it would take to fully replace the current NLopt backend with a PRIMA backend or a backend supporting a range of optimizers.
Package extension
In order to reduce the dependency burden, all methods of this function are implemented in a package extension and are only defined when PRIMA.jl is loaded by the user.
MixedModels.profileσs! Method
profileσs!(val::NamedTuple, tc::TableColumns{T}; nzlb=1.0e-8) where {T}
Profile the variance components.
This method is called by profile
and currently considered internal. As such, it may change or disappear in a future release without being considered breaking.
MixedModels.ranef! Method
ranef!(v::Vector{Matrix{T}}, m::MixedModel{T}, β, uscale::Bool) where {T}
Overwrite v
with the conditional modes of the random effects for m
If uscale
is true
the random effects are on the spherical (i.e. u
) scale, otherwise on the original scale
is the truncated, pivoted coefficient vector.
MixedModels.rankUpdate! Function
rankUpdate!(C, A)
rankUpdate!(C, A, α)
rankUpdate!(C, A, α, β)
A rank-k update, C := α_A'A + β_C, of a Hermitian (Symmetric) matrix.
and β
both default to 1.0. When α
is -1.0 this is a downdate operation. The name rankUpdate!
is borrowed from [https://github.com/andreasnoack/LinearAlgebra.jl]
MixedModels.rePCA Method
rePCA(m::LinearMixedModel; corr::Bool=true)
Return a named tuple of the normalized cumulative variance of a principal components analysis of the random effects covariance matrices or correlation matrices when corr
is true
The normalized cumulative variance is the proportion of the variance for the first principal component, the first two principal components, etc. The last element is always 1.0 representing the complete proportion of the variance.
sourceMixedModels.reevaluateAend! Method
Reevaluate the last column of m.A
from m.Xymat
. This function should be called after updating the response.
MixedModels.refitσ! Method
refitσ!(m::LinearMixedModel{T}, σ::T, tc::TableColumns{T}, obj::T, neg::Bool)
Refit the model m
with the given value of σ
and return a NamedTuple of information about the fit.
and neg
allow for conversion of the objective to the ζ
scale and tc
is used to return a NamedTuple
This method is internal and may change or disappear in a future release without being considered breaking.
MixedModels.schematize Function
schematize(f, tbl, contrasts::Dict{Symbol}, Mod=LinearMixedModel)
Find and apply the schema for f in a way that automatically uses Grouping()
contrasts when appropriate.
This is an internal method.
MixedModels.sdcorr Method
sdcorr(A::AbstractMatrix{T}) where {T}
Transform a square matrix A
with positive diagonals into an NTuple{size(A,1), T}
of standard deviations and a tuple of correlations.
is assumed to be symmetric and only the lower triangle is used. The order of the correlations is row-major ordering of the lower triangle (or, equivalently, column-major in the upper triangle).
MixedModels.setβθ! Method
setβθ!(m::GeneralizedLinearMixedModel, v)
Set the parameter vector, :βθ
, of m
to v
is the concatenation of the fixed-effects, β
, and the covariance parameter, θ
MixedModels.ssqdenom Method
Return the denominator for penalized sums-of-squares.
For MLE, this value is the number of observations. For REML, this value is the number of observations minus the rank of the fixed-effects matrix. The difference is analogous to the use of n or n-1 in the denominator when calculating the variance.
sourceMixedModels.statsrank Method
statsrank(x::Matrix{T}, ranktol::Real=1e-8) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
Return the numerical column rank and a pivot vector.
The rank is determined from the absolute values of the diagonal of R from a pivoted QR decomposition, relative to the first (and, hence, largest) element of this vector.
In the full-rank case the pivot vector is collect(axes(x, 2))
MixedModels.tidyβ Method
Return a tidy (row)table with the parameter estimates spread into columns of iter
, coefname
and β
MixedModels.tidyσs Method
Return a tidy (row)table with the estimates of the variance components (on the standard deviation scale) spread into columns of iter
, group
, column
and σ
MixedModels.unscaledre! Function
unscaledre!(y::AbstractVector{T}, M::ReMat{T}) where {T}
unscaledre!(rng::AbstractRNG, y::AbstractVector{T}, M::ReMat{T}) where {T}
Add unscaled random effects simulated from M
to y
These are unscaled random effects (i.e. they incorporate λ but not σ) because the scaling is done after the per-observation noise is added as a standard normal.
sourceMixedModels.updateA! Method
Update the cross-product array, m.A
, from m.reterms
and m.Xymat
This is usually done after a reweight! operation.
sourceMixedModels.updateη! Method
Update the linear predictor, m.η
, from the offset and the B
-scale random effects.
MixedModels.σvals! Method
σvals!(v::AbstractVector, A::ReMat, sc::Number)
Overwrite v with the standard deviations of the random effects associated with A
MixedModels.σρ! Method
σρ!(v, t, σ)
push! σ
times the row lengths (σs) and the inner products of normalized rows (ρs) of t
onto v
StatsModels.isnested Method
isnested(m1::MixedModel, m2::MixedModel; atol::Real=0.0)
Indicate whether model m1
is nested in model m2
, i.e. whether m1
can be obtained by constraining some parameters in m2
. Both models must have been fitted on the same data. This check is conservative for MixedModel
s and may reject nested models with different parameterizations as being non nested.